Monday 19 May 2014



A long long time ago, people believed that by doing "yag", they would become strong and their every wish would be granted. What did these "yag" involve? Well, they involved setting up a huge fire and doing long poojas. During these poojas, lots of ghee was put into the fire. This went on for a long time. One day, Agni the fire god started feeling very sick and weak. He went to Lord Brahma and told him, "Oh lord! I'm feeling very weak and very tired. I just don't feel my usual healthy self. What is wrong with me?" Lord Brahma answered, "Agni, you have been fed with a lot of ghee and that is making you feel like this. There is a big forest one earth, go and blaze in it. This will restore you to your former health". Agni was very happy to hear this and went and started devouring the forest. All the animals in the forest started running helter-skelter. Now it so happened that Indra, the king of gods had a friend - the king of snakes - and Indra thought to himself, "My friend is in that forest and he will surely get burnt if Agni continues to blaze forth". So, Indra released his thunder and brought rain, thus dousing Agni.

KRISHNA Avatar, Lord Vishnu

                                        KRISHNA Avatar, Lord Vishnu

In KRISHNA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as KRISHNA , the central character in the epic MAHABHARATA. In this biggest epic of Indian mythology a myriad of topics are covered, including war, love, brotherhood, politics etc. It is essentially the story of two warring groups of cousin brothers, the PANDAVAs and the KAURAVAs. As a part of the Mahabahrata, during the war KRISHNA, gives a long discourse to his disciple ARJUNA, collectively termed as Bhagvad-Gita. Krishna, during his child-hood was responsible for the killing of Kansa. Krishna is also considered to be an ultimate playboy who was resonsible for charming all gopikaas(cowherdesses) around him.
Unlike Ramayana, Mahabharata deals with more down to earth issues like politics, human nature, human weaknesses, and does not attempt to idealise the characters as in RAMAYANA.

The story of Krishna, and Putana

Saturday 17 May 2014


  1. आत्मज्ञान स्वयं के प्रयासों से भी प्राप्त किया जा सकता है.
  2. यह संसार एक रणक्षेत्र है.
  3. प्रत्येक जीव आनन्द पाना चाहता है और यह तीन प्रकार का होता है.
  4. रागात्मक सम्बन्ध प्राय: मन को भ्रष्ट करता है.
  5. आत्मा अविनाशी है. यह ज्ञान शोक से मुक्ति दिलाता है.
  6. आध्यात्मिकता का अर्थ कर्म का त्याग या पलायनवाद नहीं है.
  7. मन को स्थिर रख कर सम बुद्धि से अनासक्त होकर कर्म करें.
  8. कर्तापन के अभिमान से रहित होकर परमात्मा में एकीभाव से स्थित रहने का नाम ‘ज्ञान योग’ है. फल और आसक्ति को त्याग कर कर्म करना ‘कर्मयोग है.
  9. कर्मयोग श्रेष्ठ है.
  10. परमेश्वर न तो किसी के पापों को ग्रहण करता है, न पुण्यों को.
  11. बुद्धि, मन, श्रद्धा परमेश्वर में स्थिर होने पर मुक्ति का पथ मिलता है.
  12. स्थिर मन मित्र तथा चंचल मन शत्रु होता है.
  13. इस जगत् में जो कुछ भी भौतिक तथा आध्यात्मिक है, सब ब्रह्ममय है.
  14. देवताओं व पितरों की पूजा छोड़कर परमात्मा में ध्यान लगाने से ही स्थायी शांति मिलती है.
  15. कर्मयोग मुक्ति का सबसे सरल मार्ग है.
  16. ब्रह्म दृष्टि में स्थित आत्मा, शरीर में स्थित रहते हुए भी शरीर से लिप्त नहीं होता.
  17. जो विनिवृत काम तथा द्वन्दों से मुक्त है, वह शाश्वत पद को प्राप्त होता है.
  18. परमेश्वर प्रत्येक जीव के हृदय में स्थित है.